Plaster dispensers
A plaster dispenser often prevents your first aid kit or first aid kit from being made up on location. This prevents costs in checking and missing individual products in the contents of your first aid kit. Thanks to a plaster dispenser you can now grab a plaster hygienically, easily and quickly.
Types of Plaster Dispensers
We offer a wide range of plaster dispensers from well-known brands such as Salvequick, PLUM Quickfix, Akla, Snogg and HEKA. Refills with different plasters are available for all plaster dispensers.
Akla navulling HACCP voor de pleisterdispenser van Akla incl. HACCP pleisters.........
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The new plaster dispenser from AKLA is suitable for the care of various types of injuries.
De nieuwe pleisterdispenser van AKLA is geschikt voor verzorging van verschillende soorten verwon.........
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Akla refill white with approximately 100 plasters..........
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Fabrikant: Cederroth
Merk: Salvequick by Cederroth.........
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Merk: Salvequick by Cederroth.........
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The Quickfix plaster dispenser including water-repellent PE plasters. The Handy dispenser ensures that you can easily take a plaster from the machine.
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This plaster dispenser contains 90 blue plasters.
Quick access to the plasters<.........
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This plaster dispenser contains textile plasters.
An assortment of 90 plasters
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The Quickfix Plaster Dispenser including Textile Plasters. The Handy dispenser ensures that you can easily take a plaster from the machine.
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The striking blue patches have a metal coating that passes through a metal detector
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Quickfix Uno Plaster Dispenser is a compact dispenser for a modern style in the office. Available in a white or glossy version.
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The striking blue patches have a metal coating that passes through a metal detector
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The Quickfix Plaster Dispenser including Textile Plasters. The Handy dispenser ensures that you can easily take a plaster from the machine.
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The Quickfix Plaster Dispenser including Textile and PE Water Repellent Plasters. The Handy dispenser ensures that you can easily take a plaster from the machine.
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With the QuickFix Mini plaster dispenser you no longer have to search endlessly for a plaster and you have everything at hand. Easy in use.
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Quickfix Uno Plaster Dispenser is a compact dispenser for a modern style in the office. Available in a white or glossy version.